Effective November 2021, all volunteers and coaches working directly with youth participants in winter season Collingswood Recreation programs that take place indoors must be fully vaccinated against COVID-19 virus or provide negative test results weekly.
Volunteers and coaches are required to provide proof of vaccination status to the Director of Recreation before being authorized to participate in recreation activities. Unvaccinated coaches and volunteers for COVID-19 will be required to submit weekly negative COVID-19 tests from a reputable source to the Director of Recreation.
Symptom checker –
Testing -
Masking and distancing -
The CDC affirmed that face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 that reduces the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities. Coaches must also maintain a high level of awareness of possible COVID-19 exposure throughout all practices.
Hydration – Sharing of water bottles is strictly prohibited. Each student should have his/her own water bottle.
Spectators -
Due to spacing limits in our facilities we will adhere to the following:
Volunteers and coaches are required to provide proof of vaccination status to the Director of Recreation before being authorized to participate in recreation activities. Unvaccinated coaches and volunteers for COVID-19 will be required to submit weekly negative COVID-19 tests from a reputable source to the Director of Recreation.
Symptom checker –
- All athletes should complete a verbal symptom checker before every practice/game.
- Symptoms include: Fever, cough, and tiredness. Other symptoms include loss of taste or smell, aches and pains, headache, sore throat, nasal congestion, red eyes, nausea, vomiting, or diarrhea.
- If an athlete fails screening for a combination of two symptoms, they are sent home, and must provide a negative test in order to return.
- Coaches/volunteers should keep a record of symptom checker and attendance for the season.
Testing -
- All unvaccinated coaches and volunteers must be tested each week in order to participate in Collingswood winter recreation programs. A rapid test from a reputable provider is acceptable. The scheduling and cost of weekly testing is the responsibility of the coach/volunteer and must be submitted to the Recreation Director each week.
- Testing site finder: https://covid19.nj.gov/pages/testing#test-sites
- Failure to test will result in your not being able to participate until a negative test result is provided.
- Minors are not required to be vaccinated or submit vaccination status to the Recreation Director but all minors, regardless of vaccination status, must be masked during all programs at all times.
Masking and distancing -
The CDC affirmed that face coverings are a critical tool in the fight against COVID-19 that reduces the spread of the disease, particularly when used universally within communities. Coaches must also maintain a high level of awareness of possible COVID-19 exposure throughout all practices.
- Coaches are required to wear face coverings at all times.
- Participants are required to wear face coverings at all times, unless doing so would inhibit the student’s health (for which a doctor note would be required and approved).
- Participants may take masks breaks on the sidelines during periods of high intensity aerobic or anaerobic activities to catch their breath or to hydrate but must leave masks on during activities.
- Team benches must be limited to essential personnel.
- Officials are required to wear a mask
- Post-game handshakes and celebrations are discouraged
- All other personnel necessary for the practice or competition are required to wear face coverings at all times.
- Coaches must ensure social distancing practices are maintained to the maximum extent practicable during the game or activity.
- Neck Gaiters: Although neck gaiters were an acceptable alternative for face coverings outdoors, they are not recommended for indoors. Please be aware of the current CDC and NJDOH guidelines regarding proper face-covering protection indoors.
Hydration – Sharing of water bottles is strictly prohibited. Each student should have his/her own water bottle.
Spectators -
Due to spacing limits in our facilities we will adhere to the following:
- All spectators are required to mask over their nose and mouth for the entirety of the event.
- Each athlete, depending upon the size of the gym, will have between 0 and 2 masked spectators to each event.
- In the wrestling gym, there will be 0 spectators (exception: 1 parent per household may be present for parental supervision of young children)
- In the Auxiliary gym, there will be 0 spectators if more than 20 athletes in gym (clinics - parents may wait in the hallway), or 1 spectator per athlete if there are less than 20 athletes in gym (games).
- In Ben Mark Gym, there will be 1 spectator per athlete for practice or clinic, 2 spectators per athlete for games.